
M5 Stack COMMU Module

Original price was: ₹1,185.00.Current price is: ₹1,175.00.

  1. CAN Controller: MCP2515-1/SO
  2. RS485 Transceiver: SP3485EN-L/TR
  3. Interface: I2C x2 ; CAN x1 ; RS485 x1 ; TTL x1
SKU: RK008325 Categories: ,


M5Stack COMMU is a Muti-Communication-Interface-Converter. Integrated with 2IIC, 1TTL, 1CAN, 1RS485. Apparently, COMMU has packed with most of the series communications. Default connection: TTL – UART0, RS485 – UART2. Since the ESP32 pin map is allowed for re-assign, you can re-assign or re-mapping the TTL or RS485 interface to other pins. We care about TTL Interface. It is a UART Interface actually by default. But you can switch it to connect with UART2 after changed those jumpers(J6, J7, J9, J10).


  1. Two I2C Interface
  2. One CAN Interface
  3. One RS485 Interface
  4. One TTL Interface
  5. CAN controller: MCP2515-1/SO
  6. RS485 Transceiver: SP3485EN-L/TR

Package Includes:

1 x M5Stack COMMU Module Extend RS485/TTL CAN/I2C Port


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